Poorly Wrapped Gifts: Rising and Thriving After Infidelity - PAPERBACK
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Why choose our products?
All of our manufactured products are evidence-based. The most reliable evidence comes in the form of well-controlled human clinical trials, in populations demographically similar to our doctors’ patients, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. This is the standard we are aiming for when we consider which ingredients to include in our formulas. However, we also honor the historical data of thousands of years of traditional use, as well as the direct observations of health care practitioners in clinical practice.
Our manufacturing facility uses superior raw materials and holds itself to a standard of raw material quality seldom seen in the supplement industry, and it starts with asking the right questions.
For example, when evaluating a raw material, most companies’ first question is: How much does it cost? We ask: Does the ingredient match the specifications used in clinical studies? Is it bioavailable? Has it been tested for safety? What is its country of origin? Was it manufactured in a controlled facility? Simply stated, we do not use inferior raw materials. Ever.
Of course, even if you have chosen evidence-based ingredients and provided them in a superior form, the formula will not work if the dosages are too small. That’s why our products always include the right therapeutic dosing of each ingredient, based on established research. This approach is what separates good supplements from great supplements — formulas that truly help you get better faster.
Good Manufacturing Practices
Our manufacturing facility is strictly controlled by rigorous standards that meet Good Manufacturing Practices, and it routinely passes FDA and third-party audits. Extensive testing on every product we manufacture means you can trust the consistent purity, strength, identity, and composition of each and every formula we offer.
As a pharmacist I know the importance of quality supplements that use ingredients that have been carefully sourced and tested for consistent purity, strength, identity and composition and are strictly controlled by rigorous standards that meet Good Manufacturing Practices. As a patient who relied on supplements to help heal from a crippling side effect of fluoroquinolones, I appreciate the right therapeutic dosing and evidence -based rationale behind the use of these ingredients.
Our products are sourced from only the best companies and are formulated based on results of well-controlled human clinical trials, historical data of thousands of years of traditional use, as well as direct observations of health care practitioners in clinical practice.